Local currency

What is the local currency used in Eswatini?

The local currency of Eswatini is the Lilangeni (plural Emalangeni).
The ISO currency code for the lilangeni is SZL.

The lilangeni is pegged to the South African Rand (ZAR), which means that Rand and Emalangeni have the same value. Paper Rand notes are accepted in Eswatini as legal tender, although Rand coins are not accepted. Emalangeni are not accepted in South Africa.

Click to see the current exchange rate between the Dollar (USD) and the Lilangeni (SZL)

Can I use dollars in Eswatini?

No, US dollars are not accepted as currency in Eswatini.

What is the best way to obtain local currency for your visit to Eswatini?

You can exchange American dollars (USD) for South African Rand (ZAR) at the airport in Johannesburg. However, this can cause delays for your group at the airport and will incur a fee. If you are coming on a large team (10 or more people), this is not a viable option.

The easiest and least expensive way to get Swazi money is by using your debit card at an ATM (you can take a cash advance with a credit card, but we do not recommend this because fees are generally higher and interest is applied immediately to cash advances).

You must contact your bank and/or credit card company to let them know that you will be traveling abroad in South Africa and Eswatini. You may need to say “Swaziland” because some banks may still be using the old name. Make sure they don’t mistake you for going to Switzerland! Your bank will also ask you for your dates of travel.

In many places, you can make purchases with a debit or credit card. We strongly advise against using a debit card for purchases. It is more difficult to be reimbursed for a wrongful debit card purchase, and while you dispute a charge the money is gone from your checking account. We recommend you use a credit card for purchases. Again, call your card issuer and let them know that you will be traveling abroad in South Africa and Eswatini, and inform them of your dates of travel.


We recommend you bring an ATM card to withdraw cash and a credit card for purchases. You must inform your bank that you will be traveling to South Africa and Eswatini.

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